
Etornam C. Tsyawo

I'm a Food Researcher Engineer with a generous passion for healthy food. I believe that a healthy food is a happier YOU. If you want to master your food decisions for a healthier more balanced life, my free monthly newsletter, FoodPulse, is for you. Subscribe today.

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10 myths that drove my food decisions – busted

If you find the Food Pulse Newsletter valuable, kindly share this link with your friends and family to join. These 10 myths dictated my food decisions. Thankfully, I’ve lived past them. And now, I’m more confident and happier about my food choices. You should know about them and live past them too. [I list each myth, and share the real fact] #9 made me feel disheartened; it seemed so unfair. 1. Snacks are indulgences No, they’re not. At least not in my case. Snacks serve two purposes to...

The Food Choice Masterclass. Time and financial constraints should not prevent you from exercising your power to choose what you eat. Want to listen instead? Click to Listen Before we jump in, a word of gratitude. We’re now 41 members in this exclusive gathering! I never dreamt of getting even up to 10 people. Here we are, 41 members strong! With a consistent open rate of over 60%! That’s about 25 of you consistently checking this exclusive gathering. I sincerely appreciate you 😊. Let’s dive...

Instead of 3 tbs of sugar in your beverage, try 2.5 tbs. Another time, try 2 tbs and then 1 tbs. By the time you realize, you'd be used to reduced sugar. Sounds great, right? Let's dive in! As far as I know, our bodies need sugar to survive. There was a time last year when I was excessively hungry. I felt shivery and weak. No, I was not fasting. Luckily, I had my partner. He is a physiotherapist and sports dietitian. He said I had hypoglycemia. Meaning my blood sugar was too low and so my...